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Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
- Create your ORCID ID at, download the ORCID tutorial here (ORCID Tutorial in Indonesia), (ORCID Tutorial in English)
- Enter your ORCID ID in the registration form.
- The author will only submit documents that have been corrected and polished thoroughly in English Language
- This work may not be used for publications or versions of papers previously published at conferences and/or journals.
- All manuscripts must be submitted to theDian Ilmu Editing Office via the Online Portal Delivery Portal at URL:, Online publication, where the author registers as an Author and/or is available as a reviewer by online. If you have problems with online submissions, please contact the Editorial Office.
- The manuscript must be in accordance with the guidelines in the MS Word article template: (download)
- Quotes to the public where your work is located.
- Cite only items that you have read and footnotes.
- Avoid excessive self-quotes.
- Send publications that consume from the same area.
- Check each reference to the original source (author's name, volume, issue, year, DOI number).
- Please use Application Reference Managers such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc. (We're exactly Mendeley).
- The following documents must be accompanied by manuscripts sent online via online submission (as supplementary files and letters to editors): Cover letter, outlining the basic meaning of this paper and its meaning (author of the research roadmap, curriculum vitae, and competing interests) - (you can find in Steps One and Four of the Five Author Submission Process) Three types of manuscripts are accepted for publication: Original Research Articles, Review Articles, and Book Reviews.
Data Sharing
To share research data, this journal uses Harvard data to maintain research data, if you are considering preserving and sharing your data to find out what is greater in global knowledge, hope this:
a. Definition of data to share:
"Minimum dataset" can be defined from the data set used to combine with related metadata and methods, and the data needed to replicate the findings generated as a whole. Enter enough information for a researcher to understand the data and each citation in the data from which the replication set came from. Core descriptive data, methods, and study results must be included in the main paper, regardless of deposition data. Authors who have data sets that are too large to be shared through uploaded repositories or files must use Dian Ilmu Suggestions. (Adapted from PLOS Data Policy)
b. Guidelines for sharing data come from work that involves human participants
The Dian Ilmu recognizes that there are cases where privacy, national data privacy, and complete data confidentiality cannot be used openly. In such cases, researchers must complete data analysis under the most unlimited provisions with legal and research requirements. This must include data, data, metadata, and code that are not sensitive; and withdraw access if the owner of the original data gives permission to use other data. (Adapted from OKF Open Economy Principles)
c. Guide to Data Quotation
If your research data is used at the same time as your script using the OJS article submission form, then the Data Citation will be generated directly by Harvard Dataverse. However, if your research data already exists in the repository then here is the Data Citation format that is sent to you when you have your script:
Author, Year, Data Collection Title, Global Persistent Identifier, Data Storage or Archive, version, and subset.
Instructions for Authors
Authors who want to enter the manuscript must pay attention to the points below. If the manuscript does not meet the stated requirements, there is a possibility that the manuscript will be returned.
- Submissions have not been previously published, or are under consideration in other journals (or an explanation has not been provided in comments to the editor).
- Script files in the OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file formats.
- When available, URLs for reference have been provided.
- Text 1 space; font 12; italic; not underlined (except URL address); and all illustrations, figures, and tables placed in the text at the right points, not at the end.
- Text that complies with library and language style requirements is outlined in the Author's Guide, which will be found on the About Us page.
- If accepted for the peer-reviewed portion of the journal, the instructions are in Ensuring Anonymous Reviewers have been followed.
Copyright Notice
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Privacy Statement
The name and email address entered on the journal site will only be used for the stated purpose, will not be misused for other purposes or for other parties.